Code of Conduct

Being a worthy member of La Confrérie means you are expected to follow its Code of Conduct, which has been created and is in line with the Values of La Confrérie.

La Confrerie means Brotherhood and that is what we are.

Respect is the foundation of any well-functioning organization, and our Association is no exception.

At the core of our association lies the fact that each member should be able to have an enjoyable time.

Each student who arrives at Hotelschool and joins our Association should be provided with the opportunity to develop themselves personally and professionally.

A member of our Brotherhood is accepted into our network which connects all members, new and old.

Because these Values are the pillars upon which our Association is built, it is of the utmost importance that all members adhere to the following guidelines described in our Code of Conduct which in turn is built upon these Values.


  • We keep each other accountable 
  • We look after each other's safety and their phsysical and mental wellbeing 
  • We are all equal and treat each other equally
  • We act in standing up for each other
  • We treat each other and all association and entity property respectfully
  • We respect and uphold the Household and Statutory Regulations of the Association and SeSLaC, and the people who enforce them


  • We tolerate and respect individual differences 
  • We communicate in a considerate and respectful manner 
  • We consider individual's feelings and respect each member their personal space whilst taking one's limits and boundaries into account
  • We provide a safe space for each other

Enjoyable times 

  • We lift each other up
  • We organize events suitable for every member of La Confrérie, might it be sportive events or bar nights. 
  • We all enjoy the events organized for what their purpose is: having fun with friends with or without a drink 
  • We shall always drink responsibly, and we respect the opinions, limits, and boundaries of other membesr, also when under the influence of alcohol
  • We are kind and respectful towards everyone within our association as well as those who are our guests 

Personal Growth & Care 

  • We expect each member to empower themselves and others to extract the best of themselves.
  • We are stimulated and excited to take initiative 
  • We maintain a proactive mentality
  • We have our boundaries and speak for ourselves 
  • We stimulate all Members to utilize the Association to maximize their potential, by joining Boards, Councils, Committees, or any other entities.



  • We are open-minded to creating new connections within our Brotherhood, with older and younger Members.
  • We encourage all members to develop themselves professionally by making use of the existing La Confrérie network.
  • We stimulate all members to become an active part of the Network after graduating from Hotelschool.

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