Household regulations of La Confrérie

Effective since the 16thof November 2011 by authority of the General Members Meeting. 

Please note, these regulations were translated for your convenience, as the original is in Dutch. Should you require the Dutch version, please visit the Board Room of La Confrérie.

1. Subscription of members

a. Every student at Hotelschool The Hague can inform the Board in writing to consider them for a membership of La Confrérie.

b. From the moment a student has signed the automatic deduction from their account or when the first membership has been paid in cash, the student is a member.

c. As proof of inauguration, the member will receive a certificate by the Board. From that moment onwards, the student is a member.

2. Membership

a. Regular members are members who are described in article 1. Regular members who have to leave HTH, but keep paying the membership fee will be seen as regular member, but cannot be in the Board or Club Bar Board.

b. Former members are regular members who left HTH because of their final internship or members who forcedly left HTH after 2 years. Former members do not have to pay a membership fee, but have access to the Club Bar of La Confrérie unless the Board has decided otherwise.

c. Non-members are students of HTH who never fulfilled the subscription procedure mentioned in article 1 and regular members who were forced to leave HTH within 2 years and have to cancel their subscription. Ordinary members who unsubscribe during their time at HTH are non-members as well.

3. Membership Fee

a. The membership fee is 37,50 euro per quarter.

b. Board members are not obliged to pay the membership fee during their Board year, amounting up to two semesters.

c. The membership fee should be paid before the end of the first month.

d. Members who are late in paying their membership fee will be suspended.

e. Should one be late in paying their membership fee, a fee of 12,50 euro will have to be paid. When this amount is paid, the suspension will no longer be in place.

f. Should the membership not be paid before the Monday eight weeks after the due date, the Board can make use of article 4.1 lid C of the Statutory regulations.

4. Election of a Board

a. Members can be part of the Board should be in semester 5, 6, 7 or 8 of HTH and be a member of the association for at least 2 years. Fast-track students are eligible after a membership of one year.

b. Members can be eligible for election in semester 4, 5, 6 or 7 of HTH. Fast-track students are eligible after half a year of membership.

c. Candidates need to inform the Board in writing that they wish to subscribe for the elections for the Board.

d. Candidates should comply with the rules set by the current Board.

e. Should the candidate not comply with the rules set by the current Board, the Board has the right to stop the candidacy of the candidate in question.

f. The rules mentioned before, should be published by the Board, together with the list of candidates.

g. Elections will be held in the General Members Meeting.

5. Formation of the Board

a. On the first Monday before the end of the period of the current Board, this Board will inform the members described in article 4b in writing, inviting them to subscribe for a position in the Board.

b. The final moment to subscribe is Sunday, 23:59, just before the campaign period starts.

c. The Board will publish a list, containing the candidates sorted by function and alphabetically, 24 hours after the closing of the subscription.

d. The Election will close in the break of the General Members Meeting. The date needs to be set by the Board, but needs to be communicated 7-28 days after the publishing of the list of candidates.

6. General Members Meeting

a. A General Members Meeting is an exchange of thoughts between the Board and the members, as well as between members. When there are different opinions on policy, the General Members Meeting can vote according to the Statutory Regulations. 

b. The agenda should always contain the minutes of the previous General Members Meeting and ‘any other business’.

c. When the General Members Meeting commences, all members eligible to vote must sign the list of presence.

d. members eligible for voting are in Semester 1 and higher.

e. No person can leave or enter the room without permission of the Chairman.

f. All members have the right of interpellation.

g. The General Members Meeting should be documented in minutes by the Secretary of the Board, or any other person appointed by the Chairman.

h. The General Members Meeting is led by the Chairman of the Board. Should the Chairman not be present, the other members of the Board will appoint someone. Should this not be possible, a former Board members will be appointed as temporary Chairman, to lead the GMM. Should this not be possible either, the General Members Meeting will appoint someone else.

7. Extraordinary Members Meeting

a. The Board and members have the right to call upon an Extraordinary Members Meeting. One party should inform the other about this decision.

b. The Board does this via an announcement, the members by means of demonstration. This is a list of at least 10% of the current members, who give an explicit reasoning in writing to the Board.

c. The Board is obliged to place the demonstration in the Board Room and on the publication Board.

d. The Board is obliged to announce a General Members Meeting within eight days after the demonstration is presented to them.

e. When the Board does not comply with the rules mentioned above, the General Members Meeting can declare an Extraordinary Members Meeting themselves. There, they can demand the resignation of the Board, according to the Statutory regulations.

8. Guests

a. Students of HTH, who are not a member of La Confrérie, cannot be introduced to the Club Bar and cannot be introduced to other association activities. 

b. People who have never studied at HTH can be introduced to association activities and have access to the Club Bar, according the household regulations and the regulations of SESLaC.

c. Employees of HTH can be introduced to association activities and have access to the Club Bar.

d. People who are member of the Alliance (Amphitryon, Comitas, Io Vivat Nostrorum Sanitas and Xenia) can, after confirmation of the Board, access the Club Bar and association activities.

e. The Board remains the right to deny access to the Club Bar or association activities.

9. Committees

a. In order to develop members, committees can be set up. The Board can appoint members of individual committees.

b. All members of committees are member of the association.

c. All committees and its members report directly to the Board.

d. The goals, tasks, qualification, duties, composition and methods of committees are described in the manuals of every committee.

e. Board members of committees need to be installed by hammer strike of the Chairman of the Board during a General Members Meeting. Before installing the new Board members, the descending Board members need to be discharged.

10. Yearclubs

a. A Yearclub is a group of HTH students, of minimum six students from the same semester who are, at the founding of the yearclub, member of former member of La Confrérie. When founding the yearclub, five people should be regular member at least.

b. A yearclub aims to strengthen the ties between members of one semester and enhance the student life in the association.

c. A yearclub-to-be should sign up to be a yearclub within the set amount of time, set by the Board.

d. After approving the sign up, the yearclub is obliged to present itself in front of the Board and the members of La Confrérie. Within eight days before the presentation, the yearclub-to-be should inform the Board on the way of presenting themselves. Within three days, the Board will approve or disapprove.

e. During the presentation, the name of the yearclub should be communicated.

f. Only after the inauguration of the yearclub by the Board, the official title yearclub can be used, which can be used to have rights, coming from being a yearclub.

g. A yearclub does not need to be recognized by the General Members Meeting.

h. A yearclub has no duty of continuation.

i. A yearclub cannot exercise rights, when no members are a student at HTH.

11. Societies

a. A society is a group of at least five regular members of La Confrérie.

b. A society has the goal of enhancing friendship between members of different semesters and to enhance the student life in the association. 

c. A society will only get an official status when they have informed the Board about their wish to be one. This notice needs to contain at least the names and signatures of the members of the potential society. 

d. The Board obliges itself to inform all members, in writing, of the wish of creating a new society and its members.

e. Approval of the General Members Meeting is needed for recognizing the society officially.

f. A society has to have at least five members who are studying at HTH.

g. A society should choose two new members from at least every semester. The new members need to be made public to the Board within four weeks in writing.

12. Fraternities/Sororities

a. A fraternity or sorority is a group of at least five regular and/or former members of La Confrérie.

b. The goal and methods of a fraternity/sorority should be established in a regulation, which cannot be conflict with the Statutory regulations and the Household regulations of La Confrérie.

c. After verification of the regulations of a potential fraternity/sorority, the Board can present the potential fraternity/sorority to the General Members Meeting.

d. The approval of the potential fraternity/sorority is obligatory for the official status.

e. After approval of a fraternity/sorority, inauguration will follow by means of a hammer strike of the Chairman of the Board during a General Members Meeting.

f. New members need to be made public to the Board within four weeks in writing.

13. Familiale

a. A familiale is a vertical connection between (former-) yearclubs of La Confrérie.

b. A familiale has to contain at least two yearclubs of which the members are student at HTH.

c. A familiale has the goal of enhancing friendship between members of different semesters and to enhance student life in the association.

d. A familiale has to, after recognition, inaugurate one yearclub every two semesters at least. New member yearclubs need to be made public to the Board within four weeks in writing.

e. The goal and methods of a familiale should be established in a regulation, which cannot be conflict with the Statutory regulations and the Household regulations of La Confrérie.

f. After verification of the regulations of a potential familiale, the Board can present the potential familiale to the General Members Meeting.

g. The approval of the potential familiale is obligatory for the official status.

h. After approval of a familiale, inauguration will follow by means of a hammer strike of the Chairman of the Board during a General Members Meeting.

14. Further notices

a. The membership of two yearclubs at the same time is prohibited.

b. The membership of two fraternities/sororities at the same time is prohibited.

c. It is prohibited that one yearclub is a member of multiple familiales at the same time.

d. The Board is obliged to inform all members of La Confrérie as soon as possible which new members have been inaugurated in fraternities, sororities and societies and which yearclubs are inaugurated by familiale. This will be made public during the first General Members Meeting following these events.

e. The association can call upon a fraternity, sorority, society, familiale or yearclub when organizing an association activity where the association uses budget for. Only after the consultation between the board and the involved fraternity, sorority, society, familiale or yearclub, this budget can be actually used.

f. Fraternities, sororities, societies, familiales and yearclubs are responsible and liable for their own actions. Student Association La Confrérie accepts no liability for possible consequences of actions of these fraternities, sororities, societies, familiales and yearclubs.

g. Exception to the above-mentioned point is when, as mentioned in sub. e. of this article, a fraternity, sorority, society, familiale or yearclub acts on behalf, and with explicit consent of the Board.

h. A fraternity, sorority, society, familiale or yearclub can never act on behalf of the association and enter into agreement with any third party without having obtained written consent of the Board.

i. Should a fraternity, sorority, society, familiale or yearclub want to approach any company or agency for the purpose of obtaining sponsoring, the PR Commissioner of the Board should be contacted.

j. Should the PR Commissioner of the Board have the opinion that the contact of a fraternity, sorority, society, familiale or yearclub with a company or agency damages the association for any contact the association has with any third pary, the Board has the right to forbid the contact of the fraternity, sorority, society, familiale or yearclub with any company or agency.

k. The name of any sponsor can only be visibly connected to La Confrérie with the written permission of the Board.

l. A fraternity, sorority, society, familiale or yearclub can never charge any money to the Association for financing activities or covering any costs.

m. Should a fraternity, sorority, society, familiale or yearclub not comply with one or more rules in these Household regulations, the Board has the right to stop recognizing this fraternity, sorority, society, familiale or yearclub.

n. Should a fraternity, sorority, society, familiale or yearclub act against any regulation of the association or seriously damage the association, the Board has the right to stop recognizing this fraternity, sorority, society, familiale or yearclub as well. This does not mean that the obligations this fraternity, sorority, society, familiale or yearclub still has, after not being recognized anymore, are not the responsibilities of its members anymore.

o. The fraternity, sorority, society, familiale or yearclub which is not recognized anymore, can file a complaint. They need to have a spokesman in place.

15. Board of Trustees

a. The Board of Trustees contains members and former members.

b. The Board of Trustees has at least four meetings per Board year.

c. The Board of Trustees contains a maximum of six members.

d. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees will have no vote in the decision making process of the Board of Trustees.

e. The Board of Trustees will have the authority to be present at meetings of the Board.

f. The Board of Trustees will have to cast a vote with all members present.

g. Members of the Association will be in the Board of Trustees for at least half a year.

h. Former members will be in the Board of Trustees for at least a year.

i. Members of the Board of Trustees are inauguration by co-optation. This decision is made together with the Board and the member will be inaugurated at the General Members Meeting.

16. Advisory Board

a. The Advisory Board has the duty to help the Board, when requested.

b. The Advisory board consists of (former)-(Board) members.

c. The members of the Advisory Board will be elected by the Board.

d. Members of the Advisory Board are to hold their position for an indefinite amount of time.

17. Association activities

a. An association activity is an activity organized by members or official parts of La Confrérie, by name of La Confrérie.

b. An activity outside of the Club Bar is only an association activity when the organizing members and/or official parts of the association have written permission of the Board of La Confrérie.

c. An official part of La Confrérie is recognized by the General Members Meeting.

18. Association Activity

The rights and duties flow for the majority from the Statutory regulations and the Household regulations. The rights, which are mentioned in the Statutory regulations and Household regulations, apply to all members, each with their own limitations. Everyone has the right to help the association function. This is everyone’s duty as well.

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