Household regulations of the SESLaC

Household regulations of the SESLaC

The Board of La Confrérie has the right to diverge from the Household regulations of the SESLaC if they deem necessary.

1. It is forbidden to ignore or not listen to instructions given to you  explicitly by the Board.
All guests present in the Club Bar should follow the instructions of the Club-Bar Commissioner (CBC) and the Club-bar  Board.
2.1.2 It is forbidden to disturb The Board of the Club Bar and The  Board in performing their function.
It is forbidden to use the inventory and interior of the bar other  than what it is meant for.
It is forbidden to be behind the bar or the back of the bar (het  gangetje) without permission of the CBB. 
It is forbidden to deliberately injure others, put someone in  danger or making an attempt to do so. 
It is forbidden to throw food or drinks, or dropping them  deliberately.
It is forbidden to gamble for money.
It is forbidden to use stimulating and narcotic resources.
It is solely allowed to urinate, vomit, defecate or creating dirtiness  in the broadest sense of the word, in places of the Club Bar that are meant for it.
It is forbidden to stand outside the Club Bar.
It is forbidden to be in the Club Bar after closing time.
It is forbidden to discriminate someone in the broadest sense of  the word.
It is forbidden to harm the name of La Confrérie, in the broadest  sense of the word.
It is forbidden to smoke inside the Club Bar.
It is forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages when under the  age of 18.
It is forbidden to harass a person, in the broadest form of the  word, inside the Club Bar, events of La Confrérie or any event linked  to the name of La Confrérie.
It is forbidden to haze, in any form, in the Club Bar or any La  Confrérie event.

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